
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The time has come...

The time has come...

My Highlights~
Has been spending time with my friends and going to living springs!

My Lowlights~ 
When some people don't listen to the teacher otherwise nothing was a low light for me. Also Leaving this year is going to be sad!

My Headlights~ 
Is making new friends and seeing my new teachers 

I am really sad to be leaving school it has been a fantastic year I hope to see everyone again and I hope all of my friends have a fantastic christmas and a happy new year!

1 comment:

  1. Malo e lele Emalea
    Wow look at me I don't look happy but I was that smile thow ahhhhhh.
    Next time came you put more photos so I can see what you mean.
    but you did well my headlights are like that. bye


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